Need opinions on my band

Mr. Ins@ne

New member
I've already mentioned my band here, but I posted the links to the samples so ppl complained and said that the samples were too small, well now you can check my fave track (full).

The page is in portuguese, just click where appears "Black & White Colours ---------------------- Download"

And then lemme know your opinions or - if you like it - post your opinions there.

Rem@in Ins@ne
Mr. Ins@ne said:
if you like it - post your opinions there.
Oh yeah? MAKE ME!!!

Kidding, kidding.

The stream was like, 64 kbps or something, so I'm not going to waste your time telling you how lo fi it sounded, lol.

Just wanted to stop by and say that I dig the singer a LOT. Not in a sexual way, so much, as the way he sings...

The tune, I thought I was going to like it a lot at the beginning, but it never really took off.

Anyway, the singer's a pro. Is that you?

Good Luck,
No. Actually I'm everything but the singer, since I recorded all instruments, but now that the band has full line-up I'm the drummer only. The encoding sucks ass. You can find "the real thing" (at 192kbps) on our website, but the samples are really small (1.30m or somthg). Thnx for your opinion.