Need New Amp ??

Be Loveless said:
The reviews on those ampegs are astounding however I can't find one locally. I won't by an amp without hearing it first.
Isn't the Ampeg factory in St. Louis? No dealers in MD??
All the ampegs I mentioned are vintage and not being made anymore but they don't cost you and arm and a leg like fenders or marshalls.
Also, the chassis are stainless steel and the cabs are 3/4 inch plywood making them way a ton.
I have played through a ton of amps and the VT22 (same as V4 except combo)just kicked the living shit out of anything I ever used. The only problem was the weight and no master volume so if you want that overdriven sound you crank it (100 watts) and it can kill you if you are not careful. Turn up the midrange and set the midrange rocker switch to the middle posistion and that amp can take your head off. I never had anyone who played through a marshall or fender come close to it.
The only thing I found that could touch it or maybe surpass it are the Mesas but you know what they cost.
The VT40 is forty watts I think so getting the overdriven sound with that one by turning it up might not damage you like the VT22 or V4 will.
If I can track one down locally I will definitely try it out but in the meantime I want to investigate that B100R solidstate portoflex again ( did'dnt realize it was solid state until after I got home and researced it on the internet ) and visit a couple of more shops with guitar in hand. I'm thinking that some sort of bass amp is the way to go. Again I play clean but I also pretty hard, very percussively. I like to punch out the beat while I'm playing melodies with chords. guitar amps don't seem to be able to handle this.
Be Loveless said:
If I can track one down locally I will definitely try it out but in the meantime I want to investigate that B100R solidstate portoflex again ( did'dnt realize it was solid state until after I got home and researced it on the internet ) and visit a couple of more shops with guitar in hand. I'm thinking that some sort of bass amp is the way to go. Again I play clean but I also pretty hard, very percussively. I like to punch out the beat while I'm playing melodies with chords. guitar amps don't seem to be able to handle this.

You may want to try a keyboard amp. I hate to say it but I used a Peavy KB300 for awhile for my guitar and it was a nice clean sound.
All the ampegs I mentioned are tube.
Roland makes some keyboard amps but I have never played guitar through them.
I have played guitar through a leslie and that was cool. I may be getting one of them for free soon for fixing a different leslie for the same guy. That will be cool.
I had the same thought. I was'nt impressed with the roland Keyboard amps they have this uh.."Rolandness" to them which is part of the annoyance with my JC. I do inted to check out a few other keyboard amps. I hope i can get a decent price on my JC. I will probably have to sell it privately first and be ampless for a brief period. Thanks for the responses everyone.
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The Peabody conservatry black hole that time forgot known only as
TEDS MUSIC (really nice folks though)
Yamaha G-100- Nice amp. Kind of like a Jc 120 with more tonal options and a
distortion that is actually useable. Still that floppy bottom and tons of tweaking necessary to find good sounds, they're in there but you really have to dig for them.

Legend Rock and Roll 50 1x12 -- The harmony central reviews are dead on with this amp. It's absolutely fantastic for a very specific kind of player. Clean Blues Jangle and ZZ top sounds. Really bizzarre Eq, a little boxy,NO bottom. Beautiful looking amp. If your a more traditional blues player with a lighter touch and low output pickups this is a great bargain I have not yet seen one over $175.00. Rare and CHEAP!! If i was an amp horder and had more cash to play with I would deffinitely pick one of these up just to fun around on but again no where near THE AMP for me.

I will continue my hunt and let you know when I have achieved Victory.
I don't believe anything you write or say. :D

I saw that one, thought about it. Thought about it blowing up as soon as it arrived. Thought about choosing and hunting down the right speaker cabinet and re- selling it if it was'nt my thing.
I played another B100R today, still liked it . I took my gamble on it's little brother on ebay the B50R. It also had endless positive reviews including guitar players that have used it. I'll find out if I made the right decision in a week or so. If I did I'll sell my Roland. If I did'nt I'll sell the b50R and start over.
I played so many fuckin amps today and for the most part they sounded like cardboard. The only things close too appealing was a Carvin solid state, a small fender solid state, and some Ampeg Solid States. Everything else sucked ass. I even tried (heaven forbid) a couple of moddeling amps, they have a loooong way to go. You can feel the delay between playing the note and hearing it, which is kind of like playing on mushrooms so it's a little cool.

Thanks for being on the lookout man. This might not be over yet