Need more memory??


New member
Whenever I add more than a few VST effects (like adding reverb to 3 different tracks), the sound keeps cutting out ... ie, it'll be going along fine but if I just move the mouse or grab a fader boom, the playback sound goes silent for a few seconds.
Is this a result of needing more RAM or a faster processor? ... more HD space??
Right now I'm using a Mac G3 266/128mb & 4GB HD
you really need all 3. a faster cpu, if you like mac, save up and get a G4 or a dual G4.
memory get around 512mb or ram or more
and get a HD drive that is just for audio...

how many tracks do you use?
what type of sound card?
do you ever use your VST PERFORMANCE? if so where is the cpu at? is it over 50%
If you're going to upgrade, consider saving a lot of money and getting an AMD, which is what Cubase 5.1 is specifically made for.

About time, too.