Need ideas about teaching drums (for an 11 year old kid)


Peruvian skin beater
Hi, few weeks ago I received a call of a friend of mine asking if I knew somebody who can teach drums. Her kid was asking for that again and again. I said what da f**k I´ll do it!!. Since we started and after listen to him I noticed that there was some things to improve. I´ve been working on that but it looks like he´s getting bored. Do you know how can I teach him as we were playing some kind of game. I want to make it fun. Last saturday I recorded (I´m able to do that anytime) him playing Bubble Toes (JJ´s tune). He was impressed and love it, so his dad ;)
Could you give some ideas??.
Thanks in advance
Oye, tu eres tu Perú!!! Manya, un compatriota! No hay muchos por acá, eh?

I've teached guitar a couple of years ago. The secret is to keep the attention of the student, speak in his language and try to keep things simple (not simplistic).
When I use to teach, I tried to combine fundamentals with things that were fun (to hold the students attention).

I would write out things like single & double strike rolls, paradiddles, etc - for basic snare technique - but I would also have the student break it up between feet and hands. I would also teach certain fundamental grooves(basic rock grooves, disco 4 on the floor grooves, etc.) to develop the 4 way coordination and learn a little about playing a kit. Lastly, if the student continued to show commitment to the basics I was teaching, I was ask the student to bring in a CD of a song they would like to learn - I would then show them the fundamental groove of the song and if they appeared serious, would write it out to allow them to study.

I found that I improved from being a teacher. Suddenly I had to analyse things that I simply did via "muscle memory" - to allow me to teach them.
Thanks Mikeh, it´s good to know that I´ve been doing certain things that are right to develop kid´s technique. I agree with you when you say commitment. The kid has it.

I'll share my favorite teaching story (I did not teach a lot of kids - only a select few).

Back in the 80's - my paperboy (about 12 or 13 years old) would see me coming in on Sunday mornings at say 5:00am (he'd be delivering the paper and I'd be hauling in my drums from a Saturday night gig). After several months of basic conversation about music (assuming I was in any condition to actually carry on a conversation:D) - he told me he wanted to learn drums.

Since I liked the kid I told him I would give him one lesson a week in exchange for free paper delivery (about a $2.50 value). I taught him for about 1 year (and helped him select a used drum kit) - I think the 1st actual song I taught him was Van Halen's "Jump"- but then I moved to a different part of town. We did not keep in touch.

About 5 years later, I'm driving down the expressway at 5:00am after a Saturday night gig (with drums in back seat) - and a car pulls next to me and honks (I had a very easy to identify vehicle). It's the paperboy.... with drums in back seat..... driving home from a gig.

I was like a proud father - I guess the lessons helped!!
Wow, what a story!!. I can´t imagine how proud can you feel when one of your students can get something out of learning drums with you.
Thanks for sharing your story with me