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Well I once asked how on all the hyped songs they get the heeyy or whaa repetively going and it sound like a ton of people. This is the awnser I got :

To fatten things up you record say 8-16 bars of it multiple times, 4 times. Then you spread it over the stereofield to get it a hell of alot fatter and make it seem like it's a lot of people. More people more fiya! You need to compress the channels correct though, but that's a whole different subject all together.

Ok that helps but now all I need to know is what he means by spreading it over the stereofield ...I am using FL 5 so ..
_ \ / _

guitar one-far right
guitar two-about halfway from center to right
guitar three-About halfway from center to left
guitar four-far left
Panning, my friend. Pan each track .. say the first rythem guitar far left. Then the second rythem guitar to the far right.
hes talking about voices... like the "big crowd yelling" effect.... but yeah man, those techniques will work-- just replace the "guitar" with "voice"....

heres how I'd do it....

just record the same word (or words) AT LEAST 4 times....

then pan one all the way left,
one all the way right,
one halfway left,
one halfway right..
and if you decide that isnt "full" enough for you, record a couple more and go like 25% each side, and then maybe another dead center.....

BUT i can tell you that it will be 12345678754% easier for you IF you get yourself an actual recording program, because FL SUCKS (in my opinion) at recording - very user UNfriendly...

just make the beat in FL, then export it to .WAV, then import it into your recording program-- and do your recording there. thats the way I do it. MUCH easier than trying to figure out HOW to do it in FL.

ive seen people post links to free recording software, so maybe one of 'em will be nice enough to post a couple. (if you dont have any already, which im assuming since you want to use FL for recording)

i always recommend to do your recording OUTSIDE of FL... just because it almost takes a computer genius to figure out where everything is, and how to use it (recording wise) and if you like to have fun with it, you'll just burn out trying to figure out HOW to get the shit down...You'll learn MUCH faster on an actual RECORDING program.... IMO
Yup...FL just stinks...its totally crap for recording even single track recording. Get yourself a cheap or even a free multitrack recording software. Panning the instruments will be a hell lot easier! I dont know about panning instruments in FL, but in multitrack recorders, its basically dragging ur mouse to the certain point on the stereo field, L or R.