Need help with Reason 4 - need samples, and some advices...


New member
Hia! I know Reason 4 very good, but stock sounds are getting boring and I don't know where i can find new... I also need drum samples, synths, and some good piano sounds , like Dre's..., Also if you can give me few advices on how to play synths... Oh yea, do I really need MPC for drums???
Hia! I know Reason 4 very good, but stock sounds are getting boring and I don't know where i can find new... I also need drum samples, synths, and some good piano sounds , like Dre's..., Also if you can give me few advices on how to play synths... Oh yea, do I really need MPC for drums???
google "reason refills" for new drums. or just google drum/loop packs to find new sounds. you don't need a keyboard or MPC to trigger synths or drums, but you'll be confined to programming them manually and won't get a "live" feel without a midi/usb trigger of some sort.
sample your own drums from records and learn how to layer to make more complex drums. as for pianos invest in a roland fantom or a sound module based on ur budget. peep the roland sonic cell module it has the fantom engine in it. plug the audio out from the board/module into the audio in on ur interface/soundcard and viola authentic sounds, don't waste ur time on refills cuz most of them are junk and don't waste ur time on motif fantom and triton sound packs cuz most of those are junk also with limited flexibility and there are alot that say 10,000 sounds and there are really 500 sounds doubled lol. seriously tho if u want good authentic sounds u must invest in them, some refills are actually good tho so check out the sonic refills i have all of them and are very pleased with them. if u wanna hear the songs before dre added his drums and change ups look up parliment and pretty much everything george clinton thats where the majority of dre's work came from. peace good luck let us know what u decide to do
As far as the triton and motif soundfonts go, I'm happy with mine and I can do a lot with them...I just don't rely on them (or anything else) fully. I will agree that most refills aren't worth it...even the ones you have to pay for. However, if you can learn how to tweak a sound into making it your own you can make it work for you. I never trust the stock sound on anything anymore, it is usually too identifiable and its usually easier to mess with it a little bit and make it your own.

Now I do know that Storch once used a Motif and an MPC, but I'm pretty sure he stepped his game up now. Dre has a nice team that helps him out with his work, don't think for a second that those tracks are just him and him alone...nope! Storch usually handles some of the keyboards, Mike Elizondo (I believe that's his's too early right now) does some of those sick guitar parts, Dre does some of the drums...SOMETIMES. I can recognize where he did and where he didn't usually. But he runs that camp so you associate it with him unless you read the production notes in the album covers.

I'm with the guy above me.

I use Reason also, and I got incredibly tired of the factory sounds...until I started tweaking them.

learn to tweak sounds. you can make one piano sound like 10 different pianos if you tweak it right. Plus, the shits fun.. to me at least. I'll sit there and fuck with an EQ and delay for like a half hour strong.
This is why it can take me HOURS to make a beat...because I tweak almost EVERYTHING!!!! I LOVE it though!!!! :)
Yea anyone can load up a sound play a melody and put it out there, but it's when you tweak a sound to make it a diff. sound is when people say " where can i find ____ piano sounds"? I'm not talkin about people in here when i say this but there are a lot of people these days that don't wanna do all the steps to makin beats they just want to get that sound kit that they can load up arrange them and there you go million dollar beat. lol