Need help with midi problem in Pro Tools 8


New member
I tried this in the Pro Tools forum but it might be better suited here:

When I am editing midi in Pro Tools 8 any time i select a note it plays through the plugin I have running (in this case it is Superior Drummer 2.0). So every time I highlight a bunch of notes real quick, all the drum hits fire off and its extremely annoying and at times sounds like its bad for my speakers.

Anyone know how to disable this feature? I have searched all over including the Pro Tools manual and come up with nothing.
This is a phenomenum not exclusive to PT, but in many other applications. Logic does it too.

It can be startling, but it won't damage your speakers unless you have them way loud.

I dont find it annoying, and I kind of like the security of knowing that the sound is being generated. There's noting worse than editing, clicking on a note and not hearing anything. Clicking on several and therefore getting several notes sounding is a minor irritation in the vast swamp of midi discomfort.
I partly agree at times it is useful other times it is not, and so I am looking for a way to toggle it on or off depending on when I feel i need it.