Need help with adding click tracks to sequences


New member
I'm using Adobe Auditon 1.5. I have some keyboard sequences that I'm trying to add click tracks to using the metronome feature in the software. But, the sequences were not recorded with a metronome so the tempo varies and the click gets off beat. Is there a way to easisly edit the sequence so that it doesn't vary in tempo? Or is there some other way to do this? Thanks.
How about adding the metronome click tracks directly to the multitrack? Personally I always record timing instruments first such as drums so that the beat will be the foundation of the rest of the instruments including guitar, keyboards, vocals and bass. I suggest adding a timing instruments to your multitrack so that when you are tracking keyboards or adding sequences it won't vary in tempo.
The keyboard sequence is already created, and was created w/o any kind of metronome. I'm trying to add a click to it. Any ideas? Anyone?