Need help wiring EMG's

for some reason my server won't download the pictures but from memory, make sure that the instructions call for an earth, some EMG's DON'T.
EMG Install

Jimbo513 said:
1st I am not sure which post on the switch is what. 2nd I am not sure where to solder that ground wire to. Kinda looks like it is soldered to same terminal as the tone, but then again it doesn't.

To figure out which post is what I usually just strip some wire and loop it through the switch enough to make contact without solder. Then you can connect a battery and test before making the solder..

From memory I do believe that wire you are refering to is soldered to the same as the tone..

Good luck.. They are worth the effort and time spent..
I picked up a LP replacement toggle today and ditched the Yamaha one. Got em wired up and they work perfectly.

Damn they sound good. Even clean which some said they don't sound good clean. The main thing I noticed is alot less noise. The attack is great. Nice tight sound. I am pleased.