Need help w/Studio Projects B series CD


New member
I listened to the Stusio Projects B-series sessions CD but for some reason can't get on thier web page to see what mikes and preamps were used on the tracks. Is there someplace else where I can get the info or can anyone tell me what mike and preamp combinations were used on tracks 18, 27, 37, 41,57, 58 and 62? Thanks, Don
Save your money and stick with the C-series. What their CD demonstrates very well are how lousy the B series is on vocals. The sibilance on every track was really not smooth...harsh and chunky come to mind.
I agree with the siblance issue. I'm more intrested in what preamps were used. I was considering getting 1 or 2 B-series mikes for O/H drum mikes, after hearing the CD I don't think the B-series would suit that purpose for me. However I would like to know what preamps were used. By the way I do own a C1 and am happy with it. Thanks, Don
Both C and B Series key code downloads are Here

Maybe something came across on the CD but the B Series is not sibilant. The 3 micron capsule as a result of its thickness offers a more extended high end, but if you actually use a B Series mic, I do not think you will find it sibilant. They do need a pop filter because of the smaller diaphragm thickness, but no one has complained about sibilance. So I am not sure why the CD presents that. I have not listened to it once it was mastered and pressed.

If you want to read a review on a B Series Mic, go Here
I'll admit I was listening to the CD on crappy speakers. Anyway I can't judge how the mikes would sound as drum O/H's from The CD. I was looking for a mike/pre combo for O/H that would capture more drum body and tame the harshness of the cymbals. I think a ribbon mike would probably serve that purpose. Thanks, Don
Maybe I characterized it wrong...the B series is not especially sibilant but the esses are not smooth at all. The 8-12k range sounds strange, uneven and not really transparent.

If youre trying to tame the harshness of the cymbals I would experiment with mic positions first before I changed the mic or pre. Try moving the overheads behind the drummer midway between the drums and cymbals.
I own a B1 and I can assure you it's not sibilant at all. In fact it's much less bright than most budget condensers. As a vocal mic it's not particularly "flattering. It is a good vocal mic for bright voices and shouters. Unlike many other chinese capsule mics it doesn't crap out on loud vocals." I mainly use it on electric guitar and bass, just because it's not that bright.