Need Help starting up


New member

I'm looking to get set-up with a home studio. I've been playing around on the computer for the last year- I use cubase sx and reason 2.5. I record guitar tracks, vocals, and I have a midi keyboard, and some drums.

I have a suped up comp that's more than adequate. I have a creative Audigy 2 ZS sound card which I'm thinking is not quite good enough. I just bought a EV N/D767a mic.

Here's my main questions:
on my 1,000- $1,500 budget, should I-

A) Buy a new audio interface? If I just bought one of these (I've read M audio as a suggestion, also I've heard Edirol is good for the $$$ too, any suggestions about these?) would I also need to get a mic pre-amp? Right now I don't like the way my recordings a re coming out, I have to pump up the levels and I'm getting too much noise.

B) buy a used DAW. again, suggestions? I really like wokring with real faders as oppsed to mouse. But I also like the effects and control I get from the comp. I 've read some stuff about software that connects a DAW to the computer, and they can work simultanesously. any info about this?

C) should I get both? is this reasonable in my budget? How do I make sure they are compatable?

AGain, if I bought a DAW, would I still need a mic pre-amp? or would the built in ones be suitable? Same deal for a compressor- are built in ones on the interface or the DAW good enough, or would a have to buy one of those too?

If you guys have any other ideas/suggestions/advice/ whatever I'd really appriciate it.

I have one extra question:

Is pro tools a track editing program like cubase? Or does it do different things? I thought it was the same type of thing, but I've read some stuff that's confused me.
Welcome to the forum!!!!!

I use a digi001 w/pro tools at home. It seems that most of the "high end" editing softwares are comparible. The 001 came with the sound card, interface, and software. At my work we record with an M audio Delta 66 interface. We use cool edit pro and have a makcie mixer (not DAW). We just record voice prompts for computer telephony programs but it all works pretty well together, but the Mackie mixer is only pre, we still have do some on screen EQ.
You could possibly get both for the money you have, but it might be a stretch, also depends on new or used. My best advice is (and I am no pro) spend the money in improving your recordings. If you don't mind mixing on screen then stick with it.

I have always wanted to get a DAW but never had the budget for it. I have spent my money in other places around the studio. Most DAWs are pretty expensive and since I already have faders on screen, it didn't seem necessary.

About pumping the levels.. You are touching on a subject that will spark a lot of new questions about your goals for your music. It will never be as loud as a pro recording until you either have it mastered or learn to master it yourself ( a completely different investment in time and money). The more you compress for volume, the more distortion you will end up with in the end. This is a delicate question, just search for mastering threads and you will see what I am talking about.
Monitor situation is poor - I'm connected to my home theatre surround system and my computer speakers. (each speaker ran me about a hundred bucks a piece, new)

My room is poor as well, not very sound proof - lots of noise from highway out my window, though I don't seem to hear any of that on the recording, unless that's part of the whitish noise I hear. It's about 13 x 17, wood floors, and not closed off exactly, It's my living room, so it connects to my kitchette and bathroom alcove and front hallway.
jonhall5446 said:
Welcome to the forum!!!!!

1) "We just record voice prompts for computer telephony programs but it all works pretty well together, but the Mackie mixer is only pre," : I don't understand this, could you explain?

2) So DAW not ness. for good recording - what is? just a good audio interface? IS the pre amp and compressor ness. as well? if so, how much should I spend, more or less.

Any other hardware ness. for better recording? Or is it all just knowledge and know how after this?

You don't need a DAW unless you need portability. Just use the computer and maybe pick up a new soundcard( 4-10 ins/outs). Get yourself some good nearfield monitors(a must) and yes, you do need pre's for the mics. You can either get dedicated pre's or use pre's on a mixer which you will need if you want to record multiple tracks simultaneously. Right now you are limited to 2 tracks simultaneously because of your soundcard. An external compressor for the mixer would be nice too and they are reasonably cheap.

You need also to treat your room keeping in mind acoustic isolation, frequency balance, absortion, reflection and reverberation. Check out the studio forum here to learn how. Most important is the knowledge and know how which comes at a pretty cheap price around here, free. Good luck with your project and welcome to the BBS.
Ok, so here's what I getting:

My shopping list:

1) an audio interface
2)a mixer
3)Nearfield monitors
4)an external compressor

My budget is around $1,500.

Any adivice on how to tackle this? Where should I spend the most dough? Should I buy used equptment?

All help/advice is appriciated!

(AS for an interface, I 've read stuff about the Edirol da-2496, and I priced one at four and change-
is this a good deal/card?)