Need Help or the Computer Gets It


New member
I am using a Darla I/O with SBLiveValue with a PentiumII 450 and 160mb of RAM. Almost everytime I do an audio project (i.e. record, software synth, effect processing) I get a big-time freeze-out. No cursor, no nothing. Needless to say, its driving me bezerk.

I figure that its more likely to be due to the Darla because all of the affected applications are audio related. I have tried adjusting the cooling system, pulling the SBLive, re-slotting the Darla in another PCI position. Basically, it happens without pattern or warning and I have still not been able to isolate whether it is a software problem, hardware conflict, bad card, etc.

Any suggestions, advice? Thanks.
Sure sounds like the symptoms of an IRQ conflict. What are your IRQ settings for the SB and the Darla? Did you say this problem occurs after you've yanked the SB and only the Darla is installed? One more thing: What S/W are you using for audio recording?