need help mastering with my vs2400


New member
hey everyone, i was wondering if any of you could help me out or find the weak link in my chain.

the problem i've run into deals with adding compression to master tracks.

basically what i normally do is record all the tracks and then mix them in MTP mode. when i'm done mixing them i use the mastering room record feature to save my mix to 2 tracks.

from here is where i get confused...

if i want to EQ or add compression to the master track, how would i do it? i cant seem to do it in MTP mode. i've tried using dynamic processing on track 24/virtual track 24 (the default for master tracks) but nothing works.

normally what i do when burning a cd is go into CDR mode and import all the master tracks (or stereo mixes) from all my other projects onto tracks 1&2 (L&R). however, if i do this, it doesnt really allow me to save changes in EQ and dynamic compression when passing from song to song. i've tried automix and that really didn't do anything.

the only thing i could think of would be to import all my master tracks into CDR mode and place them on different tracks, eq/compress them, and then use the mastering room to create a final master, however since the tracks in CDR mode are in pairs, this would limit me to 12 songs in the end which just doesnt seem right.

what's needed to insure that i can save EQ and compression settings on my different master tracks?

Hey Foo-bu. The only thing I can think of is what you already have thought of. What I normally do is bounce all of my tracks down to 2 (not in mastering room) Then I'll take it to mastering room and record it. Question though, why do you want to add eq and compression to your FINAL mix? Have you used the MTK effects?? They add plenty of compression and eq. Just a thought.
hmm, i'll hafta try that.

i just thought that after i've done my final mix, i could fine tune things and boost the overall dynamics by adding compression. i'm kind of new at recording so maybe this isnt a common practice
You can select the mastered (usually 23-16/24-16) virutal tracks in the track view. Then by muting all others or soloing these you can add eq and compression from the track view.

Personally I use the MTK to add EQ and use their multiband compression which is a little more useful.
