NEED HELP, just wanna know how to record m guitar.


New member
Ok well ive been searchign around google, and i couldnt find much help, then i was like FORUMS are always helpfull, and i searched around and found that htis one is the best, anyways..

I just really wanna know how or wut do u have to do to record wut u play on the guitar on to ur computer, cuz i have every editing software and mixing stuff, but i just wann aknow if theres another way, or wut u need to get it on the computer,
thanks u guys would really help me if u replied.

let me be the first to suggest a search int he newbie thread,this question has been asked a million times over.

Real simple:
you will want to use a mic or mics to record acoustic guitar and probaly to mic an amp for electric. The Shure SM57 is a standard electric amp mic. There are tond for acoustic, but many suggest a small diameter condensor like the octava MC012, or MXL603s, but there are tond of great mics that will do this well.

You will neeed a preamp to amplify the signal of the mic to put through your soundcard, a mixer can often do this, or a dedicated one. You might as well look for one with phantom pwer, this is needed for mics described as condensors.

That signal can then be put into the line-in (not mic) jack on your soundcard.

There are also options with soundcard and computer interface in one package that often include a preamp and possibly even phantom power.

-Julian said:
cuz i have every editing software and mixing stuff, but i just wann aknow if theres another way, or wut u need to get it on the computer,
thanks u guys would really help me if u replied.


every editing software and mixing stuff and no basic knowledge of how to get a sound signal into a computer?

This post stinks of parrots and wooden legs and plank walking. You'll get no help here :mad:
We need more info. What type of guitar are you recording? Acoustic, Electric, both. Do you have an amp? Do you want to plug your guitar into your computer and bypass an amp and mic altogether? Also what type of computer and software do you use, some come with decent amp simulators. Also are you wanting this for recordings to show to other people or sell or are you wanting something to just get ideas down with? There are lots of options for recording guitars, we just need to know what route you're wanting to go.

Damn you lemon I was hoping to draw that outta him and then slap him around with it. First indicator is the "i have every software".
jonnyc said:
Damn you lemon I was hoping to draw that outta him and then slap him around with it. First indicator is the "i have every software".

I can smell them a mile off :D I got tired with the baiting game ;)

Look i have editing software and mixxing software BECAUuUUUUS i was getting into the DJ thing and i was learing how to edit music and stuff, and i didnt feel like explaing myself, so if theres anything else u want me to xplain then hurry up and tell me cuz all i wanna know know is how to record the music from my ELECTRIC guitar INTO my computer bypassing the mic and amp thing. nothing special jsut so i can paste my stuff over and paly it together to get ideas, i worry bout making it sound good to seel later, or ill just go to a studio.THANX
The first thing you have to do to get taken seriously on this board is to do away with the chatroom type wording and spelling. If that's the best you can do, then our education system is a sorry sack of shit.

However, I don't think it is.

Take us seriously, express yourself maturely, you'll get a proper response.

Go to your room, you've been a bad man and assaulted another newbie. Don't come out till that attitude is under control (even if it is justified ;)).

-Julian: Mic'ing an amp is the best way to get the best tone .... usually. But if you have a line out, plug that straight into the audio inputs on your audio interface. That will mean you can record without cranking it and winding up your neighbours. :)
You'll need an audio interface (they refer to them as soundcards on here, but they are much more than that:


And I would recommend you get a pod or some other amp simulator:

After you start messing around with things, it's not hard to figure out how to get it done.

The best guitar tones are done by mic'ing your amp, but since you are doing things a bit different than most of us, what I suggested should get you started.

There are some other options:
You can purchase CD's with guitar on them that work in Acid or other sampling software, which I am sure that you are familiar with.
Search the net, you can find some samples for free.
I am utilising probably the most simple technique for recording my electric.

Just using one of those thin white computer mics and Acoustica Mixcraft, I recording all the guitar on these songs.

A good result imo and i'm yet to purchase any specialised equipment.
But I definately will in the future, i'm just poor.

This is just an example to let you know you dont need thousands of dollars to get a half descent recording :)
Thanks guys, yes i do know wut sound cards are etc... i used to be into computers and building them messing round with them, and still am, but im getting back into it, but more for the music recording stuff. thanks for your info i know it will help, and get me started, aprreciate it.
noisedude said:

Go to your room, you've been a bad man and assaulted another newbie. Don't come out till that attitude is under control (even if it is justified ;)).

I know, I know.....I think it's the "studio under construction" thing that's making me cranky. Another week or two should finish it. Today I'm making a corner seating unit and a desk to house my mixer, rack gear, monitors and TFTs. Still got 2 back corner bass traps to make and I'm waiting on the glass getting cut for the control room windows

Frustraited....sorry newbies :)