Need Help Getting Started: Alesis MultiMix 16 USB 2.0


New member
Hope one of you guys is willing to help a complete dumb n00b get started recording. I am trying to record some drum tracks with Cubase LE4 using my Alesis MultiMix 16 USB 2.0 mixer. I thought I had everything set up correctly, but everytime I record I get nothing. :( I thought I got all of my VST connections set up right, but I could be wrong.

I am running 8 mics into my mixer to record. I have a PA monitor (not the best, I know) plugged into my Main Mix Out for monitoring. My VST connections look like this:

Stereo in -> Audio Device: ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver -> Audio Device: Alesus USB Audio-1 and 2

Outputs -> Audio Device: ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver -> Device port: alesis usb audio 1 and 2

When I add my 8 tracks, I set them up as Stereo 1, Stereo 2, etc. and record enable them. When I hit "record," I can hear the metronome coming through my monitor, but nothing will record. What am I doing wrong?? :(
Are your buses set up in VST connections? You got the little red record button clicked? Is it making a color bar across the screen? Can you hear your drums in teh headphones of the Alesis?

Does this help any?
Are your buses set up in VST connections? You got the little red record button clicked? Is it making a color bar across the screen? Can you hear your drums in teh headphones of the Alesis?

Little red record button is clicked. It's making colored bars but nothing for playback. Can't hear anything in headphones. Video didn't help much, but thanks for posting it. Imported an audio track to see if I could hear it through my monitor and I can. No idea what I've done wrong. :(
Does it have anything to do with using my MultiMix as my soundcard? I thought I had everything set up...but I get nothing from my mics.
Does it have anything to do with using my MultiMix as my soundcard? I thought I had everything set up...but I get nothing from my mics.

Yes - the Alesis driver needs to be installed and selected as the sound input - it should show up in the Alesis control panel - then you select it in the VST connections.
Read the 'Sticky' HERE at the top of the Cubase forum. See if something there gets ya going. If not, we will have you post some screenshots of your setup screens and see what we can figure out.