Need help finding replacement speaker for Ampeg Cab!


New member
Hey everyone -

I'm in need of some help finding a 4 ohm 10" speaker somewhere online in the US. I play through an Ampeg SVT 410HLF ported cab and I've got a blown speaker ten days before a gig. I'd love to have this covered under warrantee but it's going to take four to six weeks for that to be done (not going to work)

Any recommendations on a specific speaker I can order?

Have you looked into a reconing of the speaker, I know it might be a way out of your problem if anyone does it near you.
Other than that try Saint Louis Music or whatever they go by since their buyout by Mackie.
I can't recall for sure, but didn't Ampeg use Eminence or Eminence-designed speakers in their bass cabs at one point?