Need help coverting old reel to reel tape


In the swamps of Jersey
I have a friend who came across an old tape from a radio interview he did while stationed in Vietnam durning the war. He would like to be able to hear it. The tape is on a 3" reel and is 1/4". (so it's a pretty short interview)I have an Sony TC 123 deck. The Sony is only one speed and of course is playing the tape too slow. Can someone help us out? Let me know the cost. Yes I know there is sound on tape and it's in pretty good shape for it's age. Just can't play it at the right speed. PM me here.
if your not overly concerned about sound quality and you are transferring to a computer you could make the transfer at slow speed (i presume half recorded speed?) and speed it up to normal on your DAW. That's what i'd be tempted to do in your situation. be attentive to your machine while playing old tapes:)
I'm sure there has to be somebody close to you (reasonably) from this board that could help you out.

If all else fails, what Lune said would be the easiest way. Might not be the best way, but still effective nonetheless.
Thanks so much for the great idea. This only an interview (no music). I'll give it a try tonight.