need help bouncing tracks!!


New member
I have a cheap tascam four track and whenever i try to send the tracks back to itt I get feedback. I've tried everything I can think of. Whenever i plug the out put of the four track into the input i get feedback... whenever i put a mic up to the monitors i get feedback. Please , please help me!!
i dont know if you can do it like this on the mf-po1 but you need to pan the tracks left or right and assign them to the right or left bus.

if not i have best results running the line out into my soundcard then running from the line out of my soundcard back into a channel on the tascam. This way you dont lose as much quality.

Thats assuming you have computer. U dont need a brilliant souncard either a SB live! will do the trick.

Hope this helps
whenever i put a mic up to the monitors i get feedback
That's why you don't put a mic up to monitors. You weren't trying to record the bounce from your monitors with a mic were you? Because that's just WRONG!

Decribe your set-up in more detail. There's more involved than the Tascam here. We can't help if we don't know the full picture.

And you do know you need to have an open track to bounce to, yes?
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guitarguy1012 said:
I have a cheap tascam four track and whenever i try to send the tracks back to itt I get feedback. I've tried everything I can think of. Whenever i plug the out put of the four track into the input i get feedback... whenever i put a mic up to the monitors i get feedback. Please , please help me!!

Yeah, what the others have said. Bouncing should not involve connecting outputs to inputs or putting a mic up to the speakers. It should be handled internally by the busses on the 4-track. Check the manual to see if you can do this with your unit. You'll need a free/open track and will route the ones you want to bounce to that track.
i dont think I can bounce with this unit. Thanks for all your help anyways. Any ideas for a cheap recording setup for a 14 year old kid?
The only other new cassette four track currently available that will allow you to bounce tracks is the Tascam 414. MF/GC sells it for $249.

Otherwise you're in eBay/local ads land.