need compressor


New member
I am looking at buying an 8 channel compressor or more. I would like to stay somewhat cheap. Maybe the $250-$400 range. If anybody knows of one that is worth the cost please let me know. Thanks.
If you gotta go that cheap, I'd go with the Behringer Composer Pro 2 channels. They about $100 each, so get 4 and you're there. It's a decent compressor and can be found in many studios.


Warren Dent
"worth the cost", "somewhat" cheap? You are talking absolute bottom of the barrel prices here, not somewhat cheap. The trouble with going that cheap is almost nothing is worth the cost. Oddly enough, spending more money is more worth the cost.

That said, probably your best bet is to hunt around eBay for some used DBX, Ashly, and Symetrix compressors.

DBX 118 or 119 compressors, and their Project 200 series compressor seems to go cheaply. Do a search and I think you'll find people here and other message boards that like some of the old ashly and symetrix compressors. You are definitely talking eBay though, or a local pawn shop.

I personally would stay away from Behringer and try to find some golden oldies.

There's a Presonus 8 channel compressor, but I think it goes for more than $400.
I did some research and that DBX is the Project 1 266. Two channel, mono or stereo, and goes for between around $50-80 on eBay.

My suggestion would be to get one or two of those and then other model compressors to round out your collection. It's good to have some variety.
Almost forgot... GO TO YOUR PAWN SHOPS!

I picked up 2 DBX DDP's the other day from the pawn shop. Their $499.99 each new and guess what I got em for... $200 for the pair!
well, there are some usable compressors that you might find; mixing and matching will be important in the case of cheap stuff, however. If you've got 8 channels of cheapo compressors on everything, it's gonna build up a sonic 'signature' that'll

The Behringer Composer Pro is a fair bang for the buck comp; I HAVE seen them used in studios that have much more expensive options. One of those for a $100 gives you 2 channels. (or stereo). Send in that warranty card!

DBX 266xl gives you two more that'll sound a little different (that's 4 for $200).

You could find a Symetrix unit (525 or the like) on ebay for about $100. They're pretty cool-I've got an old mono 501 that I like on bass. (that's 6 for $300).

You could pick up an Ashly stereo comp for around $100; lots of folks like 'em, but if I were you I'd buy an RNC (mono/stereo comp) for $175. It's actually a good, versatile comp that you can use on about anything. (budget: $475, 7 channels, but the RNC can be used stereo, just not dual mono.)

Thanks to everyone for the input. I purchased a 4 channel Behringer yesterday and I am looking at a used 2 channel dbx. I think that this will set me up with what I need. The studio is almost complete. Everything was sounding real good and now it sounds even better.