Need ALOT of help with recording and mixing


New member
Konnichi wa!

Well I'm totally new to this. Recording by myself, that is. I use to record with a friend (he had the equpiment) and his friend (edited it). But after "the editor" moved back to Japan, our recordings sounded so junk! :p I was so suprised how super editing made me sound so much better.
Well my friend said that he would sell me his equipment if I wanted to continue to try. So I agreed. :D

I record Japanese cover songs, got everything set up, and recorded all~by~myself~ I'm so very proud. haha

Ok ok enough of my life story, right?

So right now my steps for recording is:
1. Open Reaper
2. press Ctrl+T (new track or somthing)
3. press the "r" on the track to start recording
4. Press the red circle "record"
5. Sing
6. Press stop, to stop the recording
7. It asks if I want to save it, I say "YOU BET!"
8. Open Audition, and "mix paste" my vocal to the cover song instrumental

well I'm sure all you pros are shaking your head. trust me, me making this thread is very embarrassing as it is. haha

So could some one help me will the full run down from start to finish? I mean, Im really ready to listen and learn. I guess you can think of it as a recording tutor, so I would be happy to compensate for your sevices.

I'm hoping to do this one-on-one. I asked on a different forums and got 5 different people telling me to do different things. boy~ was my head spinning.

So anyone willing to help? PM me if you can help~

Arigatou gozaimashita~
