Need all the info i can get on this..


New member
K i have a Delta 44 with the breakout box all my mics and stuff and a copy of pro tools... i need all the info i can get on configuring Pro Tools for Multi track recording with my delta 44. also i am using 4 mics on the breakout box. but whenever i send like Input 1 into the pc it gives me a left chan and input two gives me the right,,, how do i make each input take up Left and right chans??? links comments and help is all very welcome! thank you verrry much!
also i am using 4 mics on the breakout box. but whenever i send like Input 1 into the pc it gives me a left chan and input two gives me the right,,, how do i make each input take up Left and right chans???

Uh.. you don't. Each input is a mono channel. They are grouped in two pairs of two.

Do you mean that you want to record Track one from the Delta 's Channel 1 and hear it from the center? Are you recording stereo tracks? I presume a stereo track would take its sources from each of the inputs and assume they are a stereo pair, so they would be panned hard left and hard right in the resulting stereo track.

Normally you would record a mono track and pan it to the center (or wherever you want it to be) on playback to get your stereo placement. A mic is only a mono source, so trying to record from two mics to a stereo track is not what it sounds like you want to do. You would only do that if you were stereo miking -- two mics on the same source, set up in a special configuration to try to capture the sound of the source and the space it's in. Stereo micing is hard and you need to be pretty espert to pull it off, and as I said the only reason you would want to do that would be to carotreu the natural sound of a wonderful acoustic space, which usually does not describe the spaces available to the typical home recordist...
k im recording rock drums..

i have a condensor for overhead and sm57's on each drum and the bass drum is mic'd is there no way to make each input on there takeup both the left and right chan??
calmlikeabom said:
is there no way to make each input on there takeup both the left and right chan??

There is no point in doing that. One mono track is the same as having the track recorded on L and R. Reread Al's post and think about it for awhile.
There is no point in doing that. One mono track is the same as having the track recorded on L and R.

Yup... the same signal in the L and R channel is just two mono tracks that would sound the same as a single mono track panned to the center, and would take up twice as much disk space in the bargain.
Any of those programs would have manuals, help systems, etc. that tell you what to do. If it's unclear, you can find forums on each of those products too. There's a Cakewalk (SONAR) and Cubase forum here on tons of ProTools user groups out there, I would bet... the software companies also typically have FAQs and extra documentation on their websites, and sometimes sponsor user forums or newsgroups...

If you read a little and think about what you got -- signals coming in here and going there -- follow the chain -- it's all kind of easy once it falls into place and pretty self-explanatory.
I know you want it all now NOW NOW! Mr. high strung, calm like a bomb.

I can tell by the way you type.

But if you want to take this stuff seriously, and get good results then you need to slooooow down, take some time and learn about what you're doing. It's all in here and in other places too, but it's going to take some time to absorb it all , and then actually put into practice the things you learn here, by trial and error.

Or you can just burn your self out, blow up, or whatever bombs do, and give up.:)

Like, have fun man:D
To get the input's 1 and 2 as mono signals, you need to tell the software to record the track you are recording to as the left(or the right) input only. Basically you need to tell it to ungroup iputs 1 and 2 as a stereo pair. I don't use protools, so I'm not exactly sure but it should be similar to oter programs.

In Vegas i just, Insert the track. Enable it to record. At this point, right next to the record arm icon, there is a number which tells me which input sorce is being heard for that track. The defalt is 2, which are channels 1/2 of my sound card. In order to have the track just record from track 1, I left click on that number. A menu screen comes up, there are 2 sections. The first shows all the possible groups of inputs, below that i can select stereo, left or right. I select it to left to record just input 1. If I select left it records input 2.

It should be somewhat similar in protools. not sure how though. USE YOUR HELP MENU! :D
calm like a bomb!

Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! Ignite!

Sorry that didn't help, but I had to do it.

Pro Tools Free will make you angry.. Much like the anger described in that song. But like the other folks said, it's a panning issue.

No big fn deal..
Re: calm like a bomb!

Pro Tools Free will make you angry.. Much like the anger described in that song. But like the other folks said, it's a panning issue.

I'm a Cakewalk user myself, but I downloaded PT Free so I could familiarize myself with how Pro Tools works. I didn't get very far with it, it's so different from what I'm used to with Cakewalk.

I guess I should have downloaded the documentation with the program, and read up on it. But since I don't really NEED it, it wasn't worth spending the time.
