need advice on a new mixer


New member
I need advice on what kind of mixer to buy. I will be running different condensor and dynamic mics into it an recording them from the mixer into a soundcard on my computer. I need something with about 8 channels and at least 6 XLR mic inputs with phantom power. I also don't wan't to spend a lot of money (under 150).
Well at under $150 you are Limiting yourself to Crap for the Most Part...I would suggest that you save up more Money till you can afford a Half descent Mixer Cuz at Under $150 for 8 Channels you are Basicly stuck with a Cheap assed Behringer Mixer which You will probably want to replace very quickly as they have Pretty Noisy Preamps...

You might be able to Find a Used Mackie 12 Channel mixer on e-bay for $150 which would be a Step up from a Behringer.....

If you want to have the Functionality of a Mixer but also be able to Record Fairly good quality Tracks then you should have up for a Firewire Mixer/Interface...Maybe something like the Presonus Firepod which has 8 Preamps and will let you record 8 Simutainus Tracks onto your PC which MUCH better quality than you would ever get with your Sound card on your PC....
Or even a Alesis 16 Channel Firewire mixer which will record 16 tracks at once....
But for these devices you will need to save up about 4 Times as Much as they are close to $600 units but at least they won"t be something you will be Dissapointed with and want to replace right away...(When I first started I tried to record with a Mixer and My Crappy sound Card and it was Pretty much a disaster, But even just Upgradeing my sound Card to one with 4 Inputs and good Converters made a Huge Improvement in audio Quality and was able to track Instruments seperately as Opposed to haveing the Levels set on the Mixer which can not be adjusted after recording....

So basicly for $150 You don"t have a Lot of Options accept for a Crappy Behringer Mixer or maybe a Used Older Mackie Mixer, Take a Look on e-bay and I"m sure you will find a Bunch of Cheapo Begringer Mixers for sale (With a Description of the Mixer saying that it is "State Of The Art" or some other Way over Description...Yea Right...LOL)

Good Luck
Here's a link --- LINK --- to very good starter mixer that won't break the bank.

If and when you move on to a higher quality mixer this one will be handy to keep for submixes and the like.

Yamaha makes larger ones in that same line, but IMHO this is the best price/performance ratio mixer that's out there right now.