Need a split snake source


New member
Hello all,
I am looking for some sources for split snakes. I know it;s gonna cost me be I wanted to get a good price for a good product. I will need one feed of the snake to beat least <=100ft.

Also, I currently have a 150ft snake that runs to my control console using XLR males in. The other end has a box for pluging in XLRs as well.

Is there such a device that would let me plug mic sources directly into the snakes box as well as split that signal from here to the other console?


I believe the right way to do it is as follows:

Load up a rack on or near the stage with as many of these (click) as you need (one for each 4 audio channels). Plug the mics into the splitters. Then, run one snake from the splitter rack to the monitor mixer and another snake from the splitter rack to the house mixer, and you're home free. That's better than having everying go through the monitor mixer on its way to the house mixer.

If any of your mics are phantom powered, you'll need to take care of that separately. Phantom power won't go across the splitters.

DonF said:
I believe the right way to do it is as follows:

Load up a rack on or near the stage with as many of these (click) as you need (one for each 4 audio channels). Plug the mics into the splitters. Then, run one snake from the splitter rack to the monitor mixer and another snake from the splitter rack to the house mixer, and you're home free. That's better than having everying go through the monitor mixer on its way to the house mixer.

If any of your mics are phantom powered, you'll need to take care of that separately. Phantom power won't go across the splitters.


The click does not work,, but that sounds a lot better than a split snake to me. I have a few spots left in the rack and thats good because the rack that feeds the monitor and P/A is right by the stage. The only phantom that I would probably use would be some LCDs on the drum overheads. I can pull a couple of single channel micpres for that. I will try to read into the link to figure out the device you are reffering to. Thanks Man.

I have one more question but I will research before I post that one.

The link he was trying to provide probably was for something like this Pro Co MS-42A Mic Splitter.
You would still need an extra patch snake or two to complete the connections.

It splits each mic line into two outputs. One output is a direct parallel out, which phantom power will pass through, and the other output goes through an isolating transformer. This isolates one mixing console from any ground hum and voltage (volume) changes from the other mixing console.

You can also find complete splitter snakes, (with or without isolation,) but they are salty. Check out EBay and the Whirlwind website as well.

BTW, If you use an authentic monitor desk, it should include inputs and outputs for this purpose without needing to use mic splitters.

Good Luck,

PS. This question probably should have gone in "The Rack" forum or "Other Equip".

I am surfing the Net right now for options. I do have a real monitor mixer but the sends from it that I use to feed the other console are bad. I have to push the gains waayy too much on the control room console. I also have other snakes as well. But ,, just a note, I was in the studio today testing out cable lines, mics, etc. What I did was unplug each input source from the monitor mixer and plugged it right into the Snakes breakout box which feeds a single channel on the control room mixer. I did find some bad cables, adapters and mics. I labeled everything that had a problem and tomorrow I plan to fix all of the problems and when I get a good signal from source directly to the control room console via the snake.. I am going to go through the monitor mixer's sends again and check channels. Someone else hooked the snake and sends up and just gave me the channel numbers for the sources.

Anyway. I am still surfing the net for an option in case the sends are actually bad. Plus after reading I really dont want to go from one mixer to another, not even the Mackie that I have which I know works.

also if you got a little time I would like to PM you with other simple questions about this setup.

Here is a link to my original post describing my current setup.


Those Devices would work, but I would need like six of them to get 24 channels. That would be the price of a high end Medusa wouldnt it?

I can live with 16 channels for now though
malcolm123 said:
The click does not work ...
Sorry about that. I think the BBS software mangled it. The link RawDepth gave you was for the exact same unit. (BTW, thanks to RD for pointing out the direct/isolated feature. I'd missed that.) Yep, it is kind of a pricey option, isn't it? But I don't think you ever mentioned a budget.