Need a quick answer about a mic


New member
I have a guy that wants to offer me a AudioTechnica mic for some studio time. Its a small condenser model ATM 11 if anyone has any clue what its worth or its purposes it would be great. I have about 12 hours to decide if its even worth my time... I searched around in google and couldn't really find much on it... The guy wants like 3 hours of studio time and my normal rate is like 30 an hour so I hope its close...

Me-thinks it could be a hot mic.... like "stolen".
Or, there could be something wrong with the mic.

I'd play it safe and take cash.
If he needs cash, tell him to sell the mic.

Just my 2 cents...

I dunno man, if I were to dabble in microphone thievery I think I would grab something better than an Audio Technica ATM11. I've seen these things go for around $50 on ebay and I haven't really heard anything wonderful about them, so I'd say unless you're doing it as a favor, it isn't worth $90 in studio time.
Its not stolen, he just doesnt have any money right now and needed a quick demo. He also had some other mics and an old bass he might have wanted to trade. I have known him for a while I know for a FACT its not a hot mic... So anyway does anyone know anything about this model Microphone?
A quick search of past newsgroup posts revealed little:

"For mics try Audio Technica ATM11 or the current equivalent model available for around £100 each - these are good quality general purpose back electret mics you can use on electric guitars, snare and toms...."

"...the only other cheap condenser mic I would own at this point is a ATM11a, I wish I'd kept the last pair I had. I haven't tried the ATM33, but its supposed to be a step up from the ATM11."

So it may be similar to the ATM33a if that's any help:

But honestly, for the cash equivalent of 3 hours studio time, I wouldn't say this is worth it. I agree with Bruce and Buck that he should sell the mic and pay for studio time instead of "bartering" for it. But if you've known the guy for a while and expect some cash business from him in the future, you might take the mic and consider it a favor. :)