Need a New Mic


New member
I need a New mic...i currently have a MXL 990 but want to upgrade..what are some suggestion??? also, i have a behringer shark dsp1100 mic preamp...any suggestion on this also??? thanks in advance

B-Mac_DsP said:
I need a New mic...i currently have a MXL 990 but want to upgrade..what are some suggestion??? also, i have a behringer shark dsp1100 mic preamp...any suggestion on this also??? thanks in advance

What is your budget? What style of music (rap?)? What register is your voice? What do you not like about the sound of your current gear?
scrubs said:
What is your budget? What style of music (rap?)? What register is your voice? What do you not like about the sound of your current gear?
1 - music is rap

2 - i just hear that the mxl 990 isn't that good and that my quality would be soo much better with a new mic

The 990 isn't a bad mic.

In fact, on the right voice and in the proper context it can sound pretty stellar. It has that capability when matched with the rigth source and in the right situation.

Granted, it can also sound like crapola in the wrong situation, so I guess it all depends. You could say pretty much the same thing about most mics, in fact.

When I think of "upgrade," though, from the cheaper, Chinese-assembled lot ... my first thought is something from the likes of Shure or Audio Technica. The Audio Technica 4040 is an excellent choice; outstanding for the price, actually. The Shure ksm-32 and ksm-44 are just a hair pricier, but also great values on professional-level tools. The same could be said about the Audio Technica 4050 or 4047.
B-Mac_DsP said:
1 - music is rap

2 - i just hear that the mxl 990 isn't that good and that my quality would be soo much better with a new mic


I agree with chessrock that upgrading for the sake of upgrading is not always advised. I don't really know much about rap recording, but I've ready that the large dynamic mics work well (Shure SM7B, ElectroVoice RE20). You would need to match them with a solic preamp, though, to really get the most out of them (Groove Tubes Brick, FMR RNP, Grace 101). Those combinations will set you back a bit ($700-$1000 for new). Audio Technica and RODE (NT1, NTK, K2) mics would probably also work for rap. I would definitely suggest going down to a local music store and auditioning as many mics as you can. Don't just throw $$ at a problem without knowing what you are getting into. Good luck.