Need a new audio interface


New member
Well, finally my Lexicon Omega seems to have well and truly bitten the dust, and won't even start up any more.

Product: Omega | Lexicon Pro

That's kind of a relief, because in my opinion it was a waste of money. When it did work I got pretty good results, but I spent much more time trying to get the damn thing to work than actually using it, and their customer service is rubbish. (Having said that, I hope I'm not naively about to find out that all digital recording equipment is like this...)

Anyway, I'll definitely need something to replace it, and am interested in hearing some recommendations.

Features-wise, I was quite happy with what the Omega offered, although I would like to be better able to record a drumkit, and am considering an interface with a mixer. I'm pretty new to this sort of equipment though, so may need some pointers... also I've never properly mic'd a drum kit before, and I know it's pretty open to interpretation, but is there a set number of mics usually included in a 'drum mic set' you might buy or anything? Thus, how many inputs I'll need?

Or is this kinda missing the point of why I'd get an interface with a mixer? I've never really used a mixer, so only have a very basic understanding of how they're applied...

Anyway, I suppose my criteria are:

1. Reliable - bug-free drivers etc, hardware that won't spaz out all the time... pretty much everything the Omega wasn't.

2. Able to hook up with Cubase LE4 running on Windows XP (preferred option), or packaged with another sequencer I could run from XP.

3. Enough inputs to record a decently mic'd drum kit (whatever that may be)

4. Phantom power to operate my condenser mic

5. Stereo outs for my monitors

6. Direct monitoring - this was a feature of the Omega that I liked, really reduced latency problems as I didn't have to monitor through my sequencer

7. Decent preamps. I'm pretty ignorant about these, but I understand they're pretty important.

8. Preferably not terribly expensive, as I'm a poor student. $600 or less would be ideal.

I realise that most of this post has probably conveyed little but my degree of ignorance, but please inform me :) I was so bummed when the Omega popped up its clogs. Music's pretty much the only thing I like doing and I hardly ever get the time, so it's really frustrating to have equipment meltdowns and get nothing done.

Really look forward to hearing your recommendations as to what will make me happy. Please do not suggest prozac.

