Need a Gibson expert!

Flamin Lip

New member
Just picked up a 1969? es 150W( thats what the label
says!). I cant read the headstock #, but the inner
label says #894578 and es150W.

It also has some added switches(two on the bass bout
and one by the master volume). I am assuming that
these were post production mods, but heck it might be
a one off for all i know.

Any idea whay the W denotes? Any chance these
electronics are original?

Thanks in advance!
the W...

THe W is to indicate that it is a bit different than a regular production model. (you probably aready guessed this). I don't think I have ever seen it on a gibson model number though.

I'll throw out some suggestions: White? Walnut? That's all I've got...
Flamin Lip said:
Just picked up a 1969? es 150W( thats what the label
says!). I cant read the headstock #, but the inner
label says #894578 and es150W.

It also has some added switches(two on the bass bout
and one by the master volume). I am assuming that
these were post production mods, but heck it might be
a one off for all i know.

Any idea whay the W denotes? Any chance these
electronics are original?

Thanks in advance!
I'm guessing Walnut.

Could be one of these:
Vintage Walnut Gibson 1969 ES 150DC - (1969 to 1974)
ES 150 Electric Archtop - (1936 to 1956) - Maybe, thou you said it was 69'

Gibson ES 150 1969 semi acoustic

Or i could be completely wrong :)
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If you go to Gibsons site, there is an email link for this, and they are very good in responding back to. :)

If you feel that it is an older model, you can check the #'s on the Pots....these will give you the correct date if it is still in question. (They had to do this on my 64' SG Standard.

Pics help as well. (When getting info from Gibson that is........and we like them too. :D )

Thanks all! The W turns out to denote Walnut(duh)..... the added electronics are not original(bummer).....they are coil taps(COOL!) and a phase switch(whatever).

Anyway, its a 1969 and a great player I got on the cheap.


Thanks again on the input.