Nearfield Midfield Question?


New member
Yesterday I ask a recording “expert” about some information on monitors for my control room. To make a long story short.

I told him I needed speakers to go in the wall not nearfield speakers. His reaction was “why do you want them to go in the wall you are better of using near fields…most engineers do their mixes with near fields and the speakers in the wall are more for the client."

Is his statement correct or is he full of s…t?
Probably some of each - from what I can gather, there aren't many vendors that are acoustically "enlightened" enough to satisfactorily advise you on soffit mounts, or even which speakers will work in soffits.

To save Barefoot some typing, here is a link to just such a thread, which includes his comments on the subject of speaker suitability for soffit mount, etc...

Settle in comfortably, it's 13 pages long... Steve