Nashville Tuning


New member
I've been playing guitar for 35+ years - this is really going to sound dumb - but I must have missed something - what are the strings tuned to for "Nashville Tuning"???

Get a set of strings for a twelve string guitar.Use the little E ,A and D and the regular G B and E.Your familiar positions will now produce some interesting voicings.
My understanding was that you used the little strings E A D G from the 12 string set, only cranked up an octave higher than normal tuning. B and E stay in standard pitch. This is the way I was tuning an old Harmony/CBS acoustic for awhile, sounded pretty cool doubled with a standard tuned guitar.
It's my understanding that the G is an octave. I strung up an old Yamaha 6-string with the Nashville Tuning strings - it's really cool - a whole different sound! Try the website from the post above in Gidge's message - gives tunings and some chord charts.