Nady RSM 2

old crow

New member
Sorry! I'm a newbie and can't even find the search engine :o I'd really like to hear from those who've tried the Nady ribbon mikes for female vocals.
The search function is diabled right now. Ok so most of the users on this forum are pretty cheap but come on, cheap enough to buy a Nady Ribbon mic?
Im just messing with you. I haven't heard one, nor do I care to buy anything from Nady but maybe someone has some experience with this mic.
Glad to hear I'm not at the stage yet where I can't even find the search engine :D
The ribbon Nady is not really at the bottom end ( $99. ) it's more in the $250- $300. and has a long 2" ribbon.
I sure hope someone here has tried one :confused:
It's kind of boxy sounding compared to the AEA R84, which they attempted to rip off right down to the carrying / storage pouch design.

Beyerdynamic stuff is priced reasonably, and those M160's SMOKE at any price. I'm using on sax right now and it's stunning. Kills on overheads and many other sources as well.

AEA is coming out with the R92 soon, even cheaper than the R84 which is nuts for a quality mic. From what I heard out of it, it's going to be a good one and a different flavor than the R84.

But the NADY is cheaper.
