n-track, dmp and 2496


New member
Is this a taboo combination or what?
I can't seem to get a signal to register on the recording VU meters in n-track.
I may have inadvertantly switched something that I wasn't supposed to while trying to get monitor sound out of both speakers.
I switched to DMP3 because I heard nothing but great things about how good that pre-amp is. Now It doesn't even work as well as my tascam mixer pres.
But what good is it if n doesn't respond to anything I am sending?

Any strokes of brilliance out there at to what I should do next?
Better yet...anyone else with these three units (n-track DMP3 and AP 2496)? If so, would they care to share their setting information with me so I can get back to recording instead of fighting with these each night?

Thank you

I think you should do some systematic debug on the sound card's settings. Ive had some difficulties in getting the AP setup, its almost always the monitor mixer setup. Double check the N-track settings to recognize the AP, then play with the settings so you see how N-track responds. When I used N-Track alot, the card setting for Wavelab would not ork with N-track so I had to do alot of goofing around and saving custom presets. If no one else helps you, when I get home Ill take a look see at my particual settings and post again.

I use a DMP2,N-Track, and Audiophile2496 all the time with no problemos.....i have a few times used a DMP3 with the setup also with no problemos........
Would it be wise for me to start from scratch with the soundcard set-up then?

Thank you SoMm...someone else with the same equipment and letting me know their settings would be a great help.

Thanks Gidge