my very amateur first attempt


New member
This is more about the songs than the recording quality I guess. I am putting it up here to see if any of you guys ears like it or not. There's a story behind this 'album', I did most of writing in the hospital waiting room while my friend, GF's father was in his last days, so that's why it's all kind of morbid. I just figured out how to upload tracks to a website so I wanted you guys to hear it if you're interested.

I used the 'one-shot-one-kill' recording method of just having everything set and going through start to finish. Meagre little setup of a mic, a guitar, and a cassette 4track with some minor built in effects (Korg CR4) that were just to chorus/slapdelay up the gtar or EQ/rev the vocals. All just recorded straight in at the same time. Here it is though, for anyone to enjoy or criticize as they see fit.

note, there's one cover on there, of a camper van beethovan tune, and one track where I did bass while singing and overdubbed a guitar part after. Not very complicated, but I'm not that good at complications anyways. What you hear is what it sounds like more or less.
I'm listening to Lotto. This has potential, but it could definitely benefit from some production. The guitar sounds a little out of tune, but the vocals sound good. Keep at it, there really isn't too much I can say since this is just vocals over guitar.