my trash


New member

this is just a little something i recorded in my spare time. i used cubase with an m-audio mobile pre to record the guitars and then my sound card (sb live) with a computer mic to record the drums, because i dont actualy own any mics yet ...or any other equipment for that matter. i just put a multi-band compressor on each track with decent sounding presets (i don't really know what else to do there) and i used alien connections revalver (which i hate) for distorion, i've been using amplitube by IK lately though. i played all the tracks in this one so i am looking for ANY criticism what so ever about this recording. i'm kinda new to this, i obviosly need some help here so any advise at all is welcome too.

also - i know this is def the wrong forum to ask in but what drums mics would you guys recommend? i was thinking of buying a kit.
Hey 57,
I had a lot of trouble playing this...I have a cable modem so i don't know whats wrong...I liked what little I heard...sounded kind of low-fi...I'll try again later...

yea, I'm on dial-up...thought maybe I could download this, but the closest I can get is hearing bits of the song at a time...thought is was pretty good (don't think you should put down your equipement, probably as good as what the Beatles used)...made me think of the rock group the Police and it had a psychodelic feel to could try another hosting site (I use, which seems to work well, and is free)