My Third Recording!


New member
Hello Y'all!

I'm back with a new recording which I would love your critique of.

I've done a lot of work since the last recording and have tried to incorporate all of your comments.

I decided to try and go back to recording the acoustic though.

I think the best way to do the electric is with a good amp which unfortunately I don't have right now. I can't seem to get a good sound from hooking up directly and using Guitar Rig.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my newest track.

All the best!

I think the guitar is slightly out of tune.
The vocals lose thier balance when you get to "sail Away"
I don't think you are using a click track.
I like the initial sound you get with the harmanica, nice anbd breathy (coincidentally I was just listening to the Low Anthem)
Keep it up!
Wow interesting what you say about the vocals. I actually love the sail away part. I don't think I could replicate that voice again even if I tried.

I am not using a click track. By this you mean a metronome?

I don't know why I also get people telling me my guitar is out of tune!! I'm using the electric guitar tuner even and it says it's good :( Someone said my A or E string may be flat which I'm also surprised as they are new Elixer strings. Possible that it as something to do with playing technique? I'm using meat part of fingers rather than nails or pick.
I just did some quick changes to blend in the harmonica a little :
If you haven't listened to the first one, please critique this one. Not a huge difference. I just think the Harmonica was loud in parts on the other one.

Your guitar will still sound out of tune if its not intonated properly even if all the open strings are perfectly in tune.
Weird still. I just had the guitar setup professionally...

I'm playing a Taylor 714.

Any other comments on the track?