My studio drums....clip

fiirstly take the bbe thing off, it was created to compensate for tape and when used loses all midrange.
I am wondering whether this is a tracking or mixing issue, would it be posible to post the raw drum tracks?
I'd start by throwing away the BBE and turning off *ALL* the processing from the start.

If you can't get a "big" and spacious sounding kit 90% "there" pretty much by itself, throwing plugs at it (Ozone?!?) isn't going to help.

And at risk of sounding like a broken record, tracking too hot is one of the best ways to make a recording sound "small" and "pinched" and lack significant clarity and focus. If anything you're doing is peaking over -10 or so at the track level (I prefer even lower personally), try backing off the gain on your input chain.

its cool what you are doing, but keep it on the down low.

i have a few problems with what your doin'...

first off, you are screwin with the market of recording. you are charging considerably less, while the quality is also considerably less, and giving bands a false sense that, hey, who cares what it sounds like, we got a demo and it was cheap!

not that i'm much better.

i won't advertise to people. i will do demo's for friends and next to nothing prices, if not free, but i dont want to hurt the industry any more.

bbe sucks dude, take it off.

if you lurk alot, find some threads on tuning drums, and lose the toilet paper and bbe plugs.

i agree with massive, the sound needs to be good from tracking. track as best as you can. mixing isnt to correct tracking; its to round out the corners.

have fun my man.
lukirocks said:
Well, check this out if ya would. I'd appreciate any feedback or critique. I'm pretty happy with the sound overall for a $300 set of drum mics and crappy pres. I've heard worse i guess. Always striving to improve.

People pay you to record that? :D

That's actually quite humorous.
