My Song with Guitar Rig


New member
had a free day today so decided Id spend it writing and recording a song. Well I ended up with about half a song, but nonetheless.. :drunk:

I used guitar rig for all my guitar sounds which were recorded as a direct line in. Im am becoming only increasingly impressed by the convenience of this vst. Used a studio project b1 for the vox. Vst bass, Vst drums. Made in Acid 7.

Anyway just wanted to get your opinions.. just as much on the song and performance as the actual mixing. My main criticism upon listening back later was that the vocals appear somewhat tuneless.. i wonder if this is just my fatigued ears, or my bad singing, or the mixing? hmmm..

all criticism most welcome!

Peace! :D
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I liked the song, yes, very 'ambient' as in your genre tags. I loved the guitar sounds. I use GR sometimes too, although it's a cpu hog. I've never tried sounds like you have, which are very cool, jazzy and clean. Your playing was pretty damn good as well :) I liked the vox too, 'trippy', but cool. One thing that bothered me was the kick - the low end was a little 'boomy', crazy and floppy. If you used the stock vst drum samples, they all tend to be like that. I've never heard your stuff before and hope to hear some more.
I do notice the same floppy kick issue as mentioned above, though I'm not convinced that it needs to be more pronounced - that may take away from the ambience. Maybe 'more focused' without being jarring.

The 'tuneless' vocals comment may be because there it a lot of note bending and slow runs going on. There is nothing offensive about them, and they fit the song well, IMO, people may just be used to a more defined presentation is all.

Good job! :)
ah yes flappy kick, i can hear what you mean. it seems particularly apparent on this uploaded (perhaps re-compressed) version.
Digging it! I like what you did with the vocals.. very ambient, indeed.

Why do I hear a distorted sound when the song is full-on? Is it clipping before the compression/limiting stage or something?
strange, i dont get this distortion. the whole song is pretty compressed though. But i dont hear clipping "distortion" as such. mind you i have only ever listened to it (and mixed it) on a pair of fairly average roland headphones.
Nice playing and singing. Guitar tones were pretty nice.

I think the kick is quite a bit too loud. It's also a little floppy - no defined attack.

Little pops at 1:09, 1:34. Might be some other spots too.
strange, i dont get this distortion. the whole song is pretty compressed though. But i dont hear clipping "distortion" as such. mind you i have only ever listened to it (and mixed it) on a pair of fairly average roland headphones.
Listening again with fresh ears, well, I don't really hear it now. Maybe I was just crazy. All I hear are the little pops someone else noted. Nothing major :cool:
yeah sounds great, reminds me of radiohead, I wouldn't say it's tuneless, it's got a tune, just a different style. I agree about the kick though, a bit floppy.
ok great thx for the replies everyone! Can I ask, how does one fix a floppy kick and make it more focused?!? I do understand what you mean definitely, but i really am not sure about how to fix it a compression issue? Or an eq issue? If so, what sort of range should i be tweaking?
