My Song - Get Myself Together

Hi guys, I'm a home musician but thought I'd try posting this one.

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As always the Home Made Hit Show is looking for songs so please send me some to

Review me and I'll definitely review you back.

Recording details

All recorded on a Zoom PS04, mixed on the PC using Acid and Sound Forge

Piano is a Yamaha PSR, Guitar is a Variax + POD XTL, Bass is some $99 special run through the POD XTL. Drum loops are Beta Monkey

3 Guitar Tracks
2 Piano Tracks
1 Bass track
Various Drum Loops
Various vocal tracks

I doubled the main vocals (sang them twice), I tend to do that it works OK but I always wonder if a standard single vocal track would be better.


Great sounding tune, I really like it. As far as the doubled vocals go, it works for the most part, but there are a few miscompares. If you are going to double the vox, why not take advantage and deviate more like you do the first time you say "back" the left vocal jumps an octave. More of that would be cool. A lead with a little more direction would help. I love the doubled vocals at the end rock. When it faded to piano at the end I was expecting a little more piano, it ends kind of abrubtly. Great sounds on all instruments, nice catchy tune. WELL DONE!

John Nightwolf
Thanks, I'm not a real strong musician, even though I'm nearly 40 I only started playing a couple of years ago and I barely have time to practice.

Thanks again for listening

Hey...I am really impressed with the recording quality of your song...I was just listening to one of your recent "podcast" shows where you said you were thinking about getting an M-Audio 2496, is this the soundcard you used to get this into your computer? (I'm thinking of getting one myself) It sounds really clear and professional regardless...

It reminds me of some 70's music I've heard before, like a song called "Magic" ("It's magic, you know, never believe it's not so") I'm not meaning that as an insult, I just tend to catagorize music, I can't seem to help it.

The thing that stood out most negatively to me about the song was the "picking" of the piano notes, which distracted my attention from the rest of the song. Maybe you could have left the piano picking entirely out of the verses and the lead guitar section of the song. I liked the (piano picking) notes you chose for the most part during the chorus but the playing seemed to lack symetry and consistency and the notes didn't quite fall in the proper places to my ear. That's my 2 cents. It is a catchy, enjoyable, tune from a songwriting perspective and the recording quality sounds very good to me.