My softer side... :$


Poser Roaster

Hey good friends and collegues! I wanted to get some critisizm on this mix. This is my blues rock band P-Nebulux. I haven't posted any of this in some time. Please give me some feedback on how I can perfect this mix! As always, thanks!!!
Cool tune man. Excellent keyboards/guitar/vocals - very original. That crash on the left side at the beginning could be taken down a bit. I would try panning the instruments a bit to give them some space in the mix. It's feels too centered and I'm having trouble making out the parts sometimes. Hot guitar solos. Song is a bit long for me at 7:31 - I have ADHD (lol) :D :D :D :D
are you kidding me? that was awesome. Very good layering of a good melody on a good progression. I like the playing too.

The vox are definitely hidden in the mix ( seems like the vocalist is conscious of their singing)

also, the mix as a whole seems quiet.

FREAKING AWESOME SONG! I just hope its not a cover of a song I have not heard before.
after listening a triple more times, the song is STILL GREAT. one of those ones that I download permanently.

the mix is pretty bad though. where do I start? It almost seems like you guys were playing a joke, or drunk, or something.

the kick is sick as in it needs help, the wrong instruments are pronounced(piano). btw, is that piano in mono? thats a no-no. the singing is buried, way buried, and the singer sounds drunk, like he was not taking it seriously.

the bass is flubby, the mix is quite muddy with the exception of the loud piano. the crash is too loud as well and too panned(hard pan?)

I would say do a completely remix, maybe a complete retrack.

the only reason I am this harsh is because I see greatness in this song.

Again, I hope its not a cover of some past hit that I never heard.
Na bro its 100% orriginal. Thank you for the excellent critique although. I Think I will take your advice and completely retrack. The keys are stereo track separated and panned. The bass was a poor instrument. And the singer(me) sucks for this type of music. I wrote it for my wife though, thank you for listening and giving some good advice.

I haven't worked as much on mixing of melodic styles of music so this is kind of new mixing for me. So far I have focussed on my extreme metal projects, so I desparately need help in fine tuning cleaner more melodic mixes. Thanks!
Has the essence of SuperTramp-Pink Floyd-Leon Russell.....

Outstanding arrangement. I love the keys. My favorite is the kick-in change at 2:40. Things flow togather more.

It is a bit choppy-chop. A song like this needs to choppy-chop with flow. ;)

Good one!
Nice tune, Jay. Does sound like it needs some work, but a strong start. Piano is a bit loud to me. Quiet that down, and you shouldn't have to bring the vocs up much. Guitar is good. I hear the cymbal crash ido mentions. It's a bit hot. I don't hear major problems in the vocals, but if you re-track, throw all teh confidence you can into them. Make them as strong as the guitar. If not, I will sing this tune... :D (JK).... Just go for it.
You have something cool here, and I can't wait to hear more. This is not bad by any means, as I listened to the whole thing, no problem.
Keep us posted. I want to hear it again when you are done.
Cool song. The mix needs lots of work though. I'd lose the guitar solo during the break or tighten it up a bit. I also find the drums distracting and the high hat seems a little off.

Like everyone has said though that is a cool tune and has some great potential.
Thanks guys! Hey dogman, any recommendations on separating the guitar from the keyboard? I am using panning and some notch mixing EQ, but to me they still seem to clash. Any thoughts?
VesuviusJay said:
Thanks guys! Hey dogman, any recommendations on separating the guitar from the keyboard? I am using panning and some notch mixing EQ, but to me they still seem to clash. Any thoughts?
I've been working on a tune with Jack Real, and SpaceBoy, and what we did with the keys is some eq, not much, panned it slightly to one side, about 20%, and a guitar the other way 20%. Jack eq'd the guitar also, to eep it away from the keys. Have you tried any delay? Just a small amount. Seems to soften some things, and that might make them seem more seperate. Eq and panning are probably what would work best. Just play with it some more. Solo each one, and try and get them to sound the best you can that way, and then mix them in and see how they sound.
Hey this rules man...

you definitely need to do something with those vox, I can barely hear them at all.
This is pretty trippy stuff.
It also sounds like it's distorting a bit real loud, maybe reduce the midrange on the bass or whole mix to help that out.
Cool break around 3:57, but again the vocals are distracting because they're barely there.
Yeah that build around 4:44 sounds real cool. Piano sounds cool, but maybe seperate it in the stereo field some. It sounds somewhat cluttered up the middle. Just messing with some panning, that should do the trick. To separate keyboard and guitar i give them an EQ frequency they sound best at and raise that, then lower that on the opposite so that they are out of the way of each other.

Cool track overall, has some good potential, just some mixing problems to adjust IMO.
Love the piano in there, perhaps cause I'm a piano player myself. i'd say the vocals were too low but everybody else already did that. This is a good song, but fix those vocals and thicken the piano a bit by adding reverb or playing it on two tracks on seperate panned sides. Good song though.
OK guys, I completely retracked this song. I am very pleased with the results. This is unmixed mind you. Please tell how it compares to the first one I posted! :)

Sounding pretty good. I ran it into Audition, and simply put a Maximizer on it, too boost the volume. Cut the mids just a few db, and it sounded pretty full, even at a louder volume. You're geting there man.
Cool tune.
Actually it is a Korg triton rack. Thanks for the feedback. It needs some work but I am getting the hang methinks!! By the way do I still sound like Im singing drunk? :)

FYI There are some major differences in how I tracked this compared to the first version. If anyone is interested please ask and Ill elaborate.

For those who didn't hear the first version...


Fixed! Let me know what you guys like and dislike about both versions! :)

Sorry bad links here are the good ones!

