My singer is in Iraq! Help!


New member
The singer of my band is a Marine reservist who is currently deployed in Iraq. We want to continue collaborating while he is over there, and are basically looking for a simple 2-input stand-alone digital recording device that he can use to develop vocals and send them back to us to be mixed down with our new material. Here is how we would like it to work: we write instrumentals, record them, send them over to him in the form of a CD, he writes lyrics, practices along with the CD, and then records and sends back vocals. Can anyone recommend a recording device that will fit in a standard military pack and do decent quality for metal vocals?
send him an MR-8. it will run on battries even. Has a built in mike, not the best in the world, but works. Can plug in dynamic mikes for a better sound.

You can record your stuff and save it as a wave file. You can then email the .wav files back and forth. You could just send the CF cards back and forth as a last result if email isn't available in the combat zone.

just a suggestion
it's a pretty durable little machine
mini disc recorder

Send him with a decent mini disc recorder ... and a condensor mic. That is what I use. Minidisc recorders are so small ... as are the mics. Plus the discs are cheap and you can swap them.

I'd be really interested in hearing the results.

ChadNuttall said:
Send him with a decent mini disc recorder ... and a condensor mic. That is what I use. Minidisc recorders are so small ... as are the mics. Plus the discs are cheap and you can swap them.

I'd be really interested in hearing the results.


Go the multi-track way. He can record the Iraquie backup singers too.
Lastly, tell him he's awesome for fighting for all of us back here in the State's, who's only worries seem to be "what mic for my acoustic!?!"

radiorickm, CGibson, and ChadNuttall: Thanks for the suggestions, and I will look into those as options. From what I'm seeing on eBay, they might be a little bit out of the budget I was hoping for, but that should change as soon as I get a couple of paychecks from the new job I'm starting. edit: wave capabilities would be nice since I know he has internet access over there. He's living in a freaking TENT but he's got internet access. And possibly a cell phone soon. I love our government...

acorec: I believe you misunderstood my statement of the problem. You see, my singer isn't from Iraq, therefore he has no particular heritage to include their music. We want to continue working on our American music project while he is just physically in Iraq.

Brother_N_t_: Shit, if I had known this was going to turn into a political debate, I would have said he was in hell or something... from what he's been telling us, it's pretty close. Personally, I'm pulling more for Kerry on the Iraq issue because he seems more geared toward allowing a UN multinational peacekeeping force and the puppet I mean sovereign Iraqi government's police to take over the peacekeeping/policing work that my engineer friend is currently dodging bullets for. That's not to say that he'll actually do this once in office, because I don't believe that there has been a President in the history of this clusterfuck of a country who has followed through on the intent of any campaign promise.