My Set up


New member
Recently ive been debating getting stuck into some home recording, but im interested in upgrading to semi professional gear soon. so far ive got

AMD Athlon 2400+ CPU
256 Mb Ram
bout 60 Gig HD
Creative Audigy 2 Soundcard

Behringer Euro desk (24 Channel)

Using Cool Edit Pro at the moment, however i just got the new version ( Adobe Audition) so ill be using that. And a load of plugins etc

Im investing in some Drum mics, a stagebox (snake) and some outboard (compressor so far) in the next week or two.
The only mic ive got now is an SM 58, however im ordering another one and an SM57 this week along with the Drum Mic set.

anyone know if this is a decent set up so far? and what ill need ?


Gar (Dublin, Ireland)
That's a good start but you need more RAM (at least 512) and IMHO a better sound card. The sound card makes or breaks the system. I use Terratec.
Yeah, ive got some more ram coming soon, What sound card would you recomend. Also another Question. Does every just use the Line in on the soundcard? I want to figure out how to route the signals coming out of the PC into the Desk on seperate channels, EG. I have Kick Drum that i recorded on Track 2 and i wanna pump it out of the PC into Channel 2 on the desk and back into the PC. Dunno if that makes any sense though lol . Its not a huge thing cause i can EQ etc on the PC all that .
Another thing i want to do, and i dont know if its possible , is record the Drums on seperate tracks on Cooledit, eg, kick on 1, snare on 2, hats on 3 etc etc, i dont see how this can be done with just a stereo connector running out of the desk into the pc

You need a different interface than a standard audio card to record multiple (more than two) tracks simultaneously. Something like a Layla, or MOTU, Emu,
etc., that has one PCI card that connects to a breakout box with multiple I/O's. With a standard sound card with only one stereo I/O, you're limited to only two inputs at a time max.
Cool, thats what i though, is it possible to get a soundcard/input box that has about 8 inputs on it? And cool edit will recognise this soundcard and take signal from the seperately yeah?
Yes, there are usually at least 8 I/O's on those boxes, and Cool Edit will recognize each input independently; allowing you to route each one to a separate track. :)
Yeah i found something sweet out yesterday, i had 2 soundcards in my machine. and i noticed Audition (Cooledit) listed both, so i hooked both up properly to the desk, and bang can take in to both soundcards from independant channels, i have another decent card too so ill lash that it untill i have the money together for the 8 input/output one