my next mic(s) what am i missing?


New member
what am i missing here? what shoud i start looking into to expand my ever growing collection.

blue baby bottle
AT 4033
Matched pair josephons C42
2X AEA R84's
Studio Projects C1
2X Sen 609 silver
2X SM 57
3x Sen 421
2x Beyer M201
2x C1000 (i know) - but there are some things i have liked them on and they were my first mics so i cant part with them.
AKG D112
Audix D6
2X ECM 8000

Now that I have my space open to the public what holes do you guys think i have in my closet? how would you rate my cabnet - is this a decent start?

Thanks always!

Big Kenny said:
Large Diaphragm Condenser of the tube ilk
And a couple of ribbons. My beyer M500 is the bomb for $160.

Also, it's not really talked about much here, but having a whole slew of cheapie vintage mics is important too. Some of those old Calrads and Electro Voices might not have the clarity/detail/quiet of the holy grail mics often discussed here, but they have their own charachter and voice. Sure, an early 60's sears or danelectro guitar won't sound the same as the same period gibson's or fenders, but they still sound unique and good.
Some of those vintage electret condensor mics, while noisy, actually sound pretty darn good in some situations. Even a crystal mic can have it's place if you are lookin' for a certain lo-fi sound. I have a cheap ass bell&howell mic that actaully sounds pretty darn good within it's limitations.

my 2 cents.
oops, i didn't notice the m9. I guess you've got your bases covered except for the guy who walks in and says " Got any Neumanns?"
My suggestion would be to add an EV RE20 and a Shure SM7. Both great for vocals. You might want to consider adding some flavor of U47, like a Soundelux or a Lawson. You look a bit light on SD condensers, so another pair wouldn't hurt, or some Earthworks Omnis.

Just my humble $.02
What are you looking for that your current mic roster isn't providing?

And what is the purpose? Are you assembling mics for a comercial studio or your personal studio?

If the former, then all I can think of is that maybe you could use some sort of "prestige" or "name" LDC just to impress the clients a bit (the ones who don't know any better) -- maybe something that says "Neumann" on it. :D I don't know.

If this is for personal use, then I think you might have enough mics already. Unless of course you're just collecting as a hoby or preparing for a nuclear fallout or something.
i just want to make sure i got enough to get off the ground. These mics are great for me but now i have to start thinking of what clients will/need want.
If you go Neumann, consider the TLM193 instead of the 103. Much silkier...then again the 103 shares the same capsule as the U87 (cardioid only).

I think a large diaphragm all purpose multi pattern would be nice, don't see one of those on your list.

If I were freelancing a project at your space, I'd be perfectly satisfied w/ your mic list.

Basically I'd look at your Josephsons and say: "Alright. Nice. Got that one covered."

I'd look at your dynamics and say: "Plenty of good stuff to mic the drums with. Check."

I'd look at the CAD, the Baby Bottle, and the 4033 and say: "Decent stock of LDCs for vocals. Check." Kind of middle of the road, though, when compared to stuff like the Josephsons and the AEAs for example. But still very usable -- don't get me wrong.

And of course I'd see the AEA's and automatically think: "Bonus!"

Out of my own stock, I would probably bring along an RE-20. And the only reason I'd do that is so that I have something consistant and predictable to have around just in case "all else fails" on something. You just know that it will always at least "work" on whatever you ask it to work on. I personally think it's one of the best mics in the world regardless of price. I'm not particularly impressed by fancy, expensive LDC's so I wouldn't have any problem with your lack of a Neumann. :D But others might, as some of us pointed out.
thanks chessrock! really good advice- I have been thinking of getting an re20 for a while now. know anywhere to get a good price on one? after all the rest of the buildup costs and i will probably get a a really high end LDC but I think with what I have i can get off the ground.

Thanks Nathan.
Yo Nathan! Nice collction. Stuff to consider-

Top dynamics- SM-7, RE20, MD441. I'd pick the SM-7.
Higher end tube mic- Neumann U47 (for prestige) or for just the mic, Lawson L47 MkII, B.L.U.E. Cactus, Soundelux U99, or better, elux251
AKG C414EB, or Better yet, Brauner Valvet- great workhorse instrument mics
multi-pattern fet mics biased a little toward vox- Neumann U87, Soundelux
Small diaphragm omnis- consider Earthworks, Schoeps, DPA

Well that's my best guess- If you can't record with that stuff, it's because you don't have a preamp.