My New Studio - Moved From Basement

Pretty cool and spacious. I lvoe the purple walls in the live room, and the drum set makes me wanna sell my car!
Thanks for sharing, look great ;)

Thanks for the positive comment. I am hoping for anyone to post some constructive thoughts about the studio and set-up to improve what my partner and I started with.
Hey singking,
Looks great, I'm doing my place close to that color .
I like the name too. So how do you like the sountracs desk?

Good luck
Reply to Tonio


I like the Soundtracs desk. Much more Routing capability than a similar mackie. The british eqs provide nice control. Still getting used to the differences like for inserts ring is send tip is return. Other than that a very quiet and musical board. If I can figure out how to put some mp3s here I put out some samples.
