My new song, Smoke Screen


Super Perfectionist
Hi everyone!

I'm back and I've written this song. I wanted to know what your thoughts are on my track. I would appreciate any feedback, whether it's about mixing or lryics! Thanks :D :)


It's time to wake up
And see what you have done
What happened while you're gone
Statistics tell the story
We all strive for the glory
But in the end it's gone
In the end it's gone
But In the end it's gone

We live inside a world
Where contradictory statements
Are everywhere like pavement
It's hard to judge what's true
The things you see in people
Is nothing but their shade
Some people seem displaced
A smoke screen over their faces
Inventing new things in their basement
But no one gives a shit

But what are you doing?
Is it something you would shout out,
Cause even the blue skies are fake,
Nothing but something illusions make,
Listen to the voice in your head,
Know why they said what they said,

Flashing lights in the distance,
The world only cares for those who are largest,
From the very beginning,
They favored some and the opposite for others,
Never know, never know, till it's over,
They'll keep looking back,
Maybe you're the poppy in the group and,
They just can't keep up,

But what are you doing?
Is it something you would shout out,
Cause even the blue skies are fake,
Nothing but something illusions make,
Listen to the voice in your head,
Know why they said what they said,

Sometimes we see the truth,
Conflicting lies, confused,
Just confide,
To me,

And now that time has gone,
We have no choice of freedom,
A universal catch-22,
It may all end as a checkmate,
Some people seemed dis-placed
A smoke screen lifts off his face,
He cleaned the mess in his basement,
And took a step outside,

[Final CHORUS]
And opened his eyes,
Cause he had something he could shout out!
Cause even the blue skies are real,
Not a cloud was in his viewpoint,
Listen to the voice in your head,
Know why they said what they said,
Hmm, this is is really pretty rough to me and hard to listen to. The vocals are killing me. The performance and tone of your voice is bad. Are you really only 14? It sounds like your voice hasn't finished it's "big change" yet. Not your fault for sure, blame your parents. :D

The whole mix sounds really hot, harsh, and over-cooked. Nothing sounds natural or real. It sounds like one big mess of digital instrumentation. That crash banging in my left ear is obnoxious. I wanna think maybe the drums are real, but the cymbals tell me otherwise? It's hard to tell. I don't mean to trash everything you've done here but dude it's rough. I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll focus on the good....I guess the clean guitar sounds pretty decent. A little crisp, but not terrible. I'd say start over with everything else. Lay off the compression.
I like your creativity and would urge you to focus on the execution of it. This is quite harsh even after listening to what I consider to be my own harshest mix of a track. Some of the instrumentation has a very synthetic feel to it, but personally I'd have a go at getting this mix sorted before substituting any of the sounds, it'll be a useful exercise. Maybe solidify the bottom end and and scoop out some of the peaks from 2-7k a little for each track at a time with an eq having the frequencies split in small increments to get a more palatable tonality for each track before mixing again.
Then tune the high end levels to suit, you'll find that sorting the biggest offenders will immediately alter how each track behaves across eardrums and help you see how to progress with what remains.

Good luck

The lyrics/rhymes sound forced, and you need to get the vocal to sit better in the mix, but keep working on it - you're 14? I was playing 1 finger chords at 14!
Thanks for your feedback. I do appreciate your advice.

Are there any tips for getting vocals to 'sit' in the mix and to get a more balanced tone? I've only been mixing for about 9 months, so I don't know much yet. Thanks