My new song "EXPERIENCE"


Late-blooming songwriter!
I heard a neat quote the other day "Experience is what you get right after you need it most". It wouldn't leave my brain, so I wrote a song about it. Appreciate the listens, thanks in advance.


EXPERIENCE c. 2010 Mike Pilling

Go back in time inside your mind
When mom and dad were dense
If only they were as smart as you
Life would all make sense
But somehow as the years went by
The smarter they became
It wasn't them, you know it's you
That gave this thing a name


Go back again, and entertain
A thought that stands apart
Something that made you seem so wise
Something that gave you heart
Was it luck or was it fate
You knew just what to do
It didn't always work that way
A changing point of view

Well we think we know all we've got to know
But brother we ain't even close
Cause experience is what we get, right after...right after
We need it most


You live, you love, you laugh a lot
Come home in the morning sun
Seems as if you'll live forever
You've only just begun
Then it seems everywhere you look
Folks are going down
Losing pride and losing lives
It happens all around

Overnight, decide to fight the fight
We learn, we burn, hope to make it right

I heard a neat quote the other day "Experience is what you get right after you need it most". It wouldn't leave my brain, so I wrote a song about it. Appreciate the listens, thanks in advance.


Nice song, Mike. It has a bit of an Alan Parsons late 70s feel to it. Good stuff!

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I like the song... good lyrics, nice topic. Why aren't you posting this in the MP3 clinic? You might get more comments and feedback.

Why aren't you posting this in the MP3 clinic? You might get more comments and feedback.

Ever since Abuse the Muses posted an album that he recorded in one day and was told the same thing, I've been kind of wondering about this. In a way, the MP3 clinic is precisely that, it's like a surgery where the songster may be in need of advice and/or ways to possibly improve the song.
But equally, there are, I'm sure, those that aren't looking for a mix critique. They've done their song, they like the way it is, they're not going to change it for all the tea in China and they just want to share it and, I guess, see if people like it or don't. After all, no two persons' mixes or ears or taste will be identical, so in a way, where do you draw the line if 35 people critique your mix with their various tastes and biases (all valid, I might add).
I suppose there are the various music pages that various folk have, but I can understand that some are just hot to trot and want to share their stuff straight away.
Nice Mike

Only comment I'd make on the words is that I'm not particularly fond of "dense" as a rhyme - I think you could strengthen it if you rewrote those few 3 or four lines to use another word... but seeing you've already recorded it!

Nice chord changes... might steal that first one myself!

In terms of the recording...curious... have you applied some form of filter to your voice?

Cheers :drunk:
Grimtraveller, good observations. I did post the song just so folks could listen to it and comment on whether they enjoyed the listen (or not).

Armistice - thanks for the comments. Regarding the chords, I tuned my guitars down a whole step, then played in the key of G. My vocal has some small-hall reverb (turned up to about 40%) and some chorus to thicken my voice up a little.

Thanks guys,