my new Orchestra Track! Rough mix

Wow, what can I say, blown away :cool: :cool:
Really enjoyed this, not much to nitpick from these ears. Well possibly the piano is buried a bit too much about half way through, then sounds great for the final build.
The dynamics are good, the strings are good, and I especially like the sound of the piano.
Excellent track ;)
Really nice piece. I'd like to hear more from the piano, a bit more volume and a little more body. It seems to be surrounded by and sometimes gets lost in the organ and bass. I'm thinking the piano is the feature and the rest the background support. This is not to say I don't like what you have, I do very much so.
Very nice, would make excellent soundtrack music. :cool:

Since I am a pro string player :eek: :

I would change the articulations, they swell at the wrong times. Strings are more sustained, they create long lines. These have way too many swells that give it away, and the swell is late so there is a "WAH" in the middle of a note. You can get rid of this by automating the mix like crazy or picking more sustained samples, a bit of both would work well. Very enjoyable music, where ya at in Ohio?
Don't change a thing!!!

Wow....a masterful job by Greg Giacona. It doesn't need any nits from me
But since you asked....
I love the woodwinds in the intro
Begin the piano more simply...tentative and introspective
Thicken up the piano and bring in lo strings
Then go full tilt.
When you feel that it is peaking, pushover the top w/ Fr Horns, simple but dramatic
Consider a little percussion about 3/4 of the way thru, just a little. Tympany?
Consider a distant powerchord (only 1) to make the girls squirm in their chairs.
At some point double the 16th note piano figure on the high strings

As I said, it doesn't need any of this stuff, but you did ask.

Forget what I's great as is.
