My new monitors


I picked up a Lexicon Alpha to do some guitar tracks at home. Forgot to grab another instrument cable while at Guitar Center, so I decided to stop at Sam Ash. Figured I'd stop and look at some monitors while I was in there too. What did I find? Fostex MK-IIs for $174. Yep, $174 for the pair. Never heard them, but I know they retail for around $100 more, so I figured I'd try them out. Holy hell these things rock! Pristine reproduction of recordings, and they easily stack up to my old V6s! I am extremely impressed and figure some god was on my side when I forgot that instrument cable. What a bargain. And the only reason they were $174 was because there's a small blem on the top corner of one. Other than that, they look awesome and I couldn't be happier. Just a little story for the day :)