My "new" EV RE15


New member
I just received an ebay-purchased RE15 today. It's so small! Somehow, I thought it would be bigger.

Anyway, I'm itching to cut some vocal tracks with it. Will let you know how I fare.

If it turns out well, it will be all kudos to this board, and guys like chessrock and chessparov, who have championed these EV dynamics.
right on dude! let us know!

I got one too; have only used it for live recording thus far; haven't tracked with it. I am actually wondering how it stands up to those ribbons I have been drooling over.

I'm sure you will like it, however, don't stop with vocals. Chuck it up in front of a guitar amp and its sure to bring a smile to your face. I am starting to go to this mic for electric guitar more than my md421.

Have fun with it!
I just won an Re-15 for $66.00 on the bay, after looking and bidding on a few for about a year.
I'm itching to try it out, too. :)