My latest work. Feedback is appreciated!

Pretty cool, It has an open almost club sound to the mix, theres a few guitar notes exactly at :30 sec, sound out of key. I dont care for the verses (just my taste) but I like the Chorus, overall fine job. Welcome to HR.
Nice song. Good job with the recording. Clear, present. I particularly like the guitar solo and the distant background vocal just after it. Well performed throughout. Like it!

I thought it was pretty good.

During the verses the instrumental "punches" tend to cover the vocals. The vocal delivery is very fast and the listener really needs to stay engaged to keep up. The instruments make that pretty tough.

The clean rhythm guitar has a little too much bite. A little tough on the ears.

The vocal could probably use a boost at about 5K or so. Might clear them up a bit.

The chorus sounds nice. The strings really carry it well.
I like this. Good tune.

I'd get rid of the strings/organ in the chourus, or pull them way back. Let the guitar carry it. You play well; very organic. The strings sound... well, false. Totally my opinion, not being harsh. :)

Vocals up. You got soul; lets hear it.

Thanks. :cool:
Thanks for the inputs!

I hear the same thing, Triple M -- the guitar and short string combo in the verse is a little bit harsh, and I will work to tame it.

msb, some people say they like the strings a lot, I've heard that from a few, but you're the first one to dislike them. I might drop them in the mix a tiny bit, but I definitely won't remove them.

Thanks again, you two.
This has a nice live feel about it. I really enjoyed it, as the intro was going on for so long I was wondering how you were going to fit all the lyrics in :) Great vocal delivery, a little muffled but it sounded like an EQ matter to me and not the way you sing. The string stabs were a little off putting, I liked them more in the chorus but it's one of those things for me, either completely realistic, or completely fake synth style, anything in between is where I notice it not being quite right.

Nice job overall.
Sounds great. Reminds me of Prince sort of, meets Radiohead maybe. I like the way the verse is sort of understated and then the chorus becomes big and lush. There are a few pitch problems that stand out to me. Other than that, great job.
Thanks, you three. I greatly appreciate the comments and feedback. I will work on the EQ for the vocals and the guitar to try and detract from the muddiness and harshness, respectively.
The guitar is too loud for me in the verses. Either that or bring the vocals up and dry them out a bit. The chorus I have no problems hearing and understanding the vocals. Why? The vocals are good and they should be the focus when they are singing. The solo is too loud. I think the song is very good and the playing too, just need to polish this up a bit. My first impression is compression is your friend so experiment with that a bit.