My latest recording


Late-blooming songwriter!
Soaked in reverb, singing through automatic double-tracking, sustained guitar - yep, I'm a 70s throwback all right!

I wrote this tune about a week ago, and finally got some time to get it recorded this weekend.

Despite my screen name, I didn't use the Strat on this song, I used the Ibanez Les Paul knockoff, due to the massive sustain it has.

Hope at least some of you enjoy it. :)


© 2010 Mike Pilling

Are you missed when you’re away?
It sounds like a cliche
Are you always just the right word for the rhyme?

Do you know each other’s there?
Not playin solitaire
Don’t need to talk to pass the time

Guitar riff

Did anyone ever write a song for you?
About all the great things you do?
The lows and the highs
Through someone else’s eyes
Did anyone ever write a song for you?

All the moments that you've had
All the good times and the bad
Things you do and the way that you feel

Just the way it comes along
When it's put into a song
Takes a moment in time and makes it real

Guitar riff

Did anyone ever write a song for you?
About all the great things you do?
The lows and the highs
Through someone else’s eyes
Did anyone ever write a song for you?

Solo for first ½ of chorus
The lows and the highs
Through someone else’s eyes
Did anyone ever write a song for you?
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I like the song, got a slow mellow vibe to it. It might be me, but the snare appears offcenter a little. Feels kind of lop-sided.

Thanks guys. Chili, yes the snare is a bit off-center, that particular kit in PCDrummer has the snare & hat panned left and lefter, respectively. Good ear! I should probably move the snare closer to center in the software...thanks for pointing it out.
Nice mellow tune and good playing. The mix sounds pretty good. I wished there were more guitar in it. The little stabs were nice; just wanted more - lots of vocal holes where some gtr riffs would be fun. The tone sounded a little tinny, whereas it probably should be more creamy (Strat, neck pu, light breakup, mids, etc :)). Just my 2 bits...
quite floydish....the mix sounded good...I thought the lead was a little thin as Brad pointed out, not much though, and seemed odd at first being panned to the right, though it sounded fine when the song was in full swing

Nothing else I could hear though, even the above is pushing it...nice and clean, spread out, and a good performance
Nice song dude. It does sound kind of like Floyd. I'm kind of glad no one has written a song about me though. It would be pretty boring. :D
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks everyone. The comments are appreciated very much.

I ran the Ibanez through my VOX Valvetronix, on the Fender Twin model...probably should have gone to the 70s Marshall for more mid.

Thanks man - "floydish" is a huge compliment to me.

Thanks for the kind comment and the chuckle!

Not bad. A bit sleepy and boring, but a pretty full sounding mix. The lead guitar is too much. Too hot in tone and place in the mix. It's like it's not even a part of the song. Drop it in the mix more and/or retrack it a bit mellower. Get it into the mix instead of on top of the mix.
PDP said:
Vocals sound very Roger Waters. I loved it. Good song, I like the lyrics. Really enjoyed it!
Thank a bunch...guess my Floyd influences came through :D

Gerg_L said:
...The lead guitar is too much. Too hot in tone and place in the mix. It's like it's not even a part of the song. Drop it in the mix more and/or retrack it a bit mellower. Get it into the mix instead of on top of the mix.
As far as I'm concerned you can fuck off, Greg. LOL, kidding. Thanks but I'm going to leave as-is ;) Another of my influences is Garry Moore, and I was actually going after his tone on "Still Got The Blues For You" on this song. Thanks for listening, I do appreciate it, and I loved your last song!
