my j-station is screwed


New member
Does anyone else have this problem???

The j-station is hooked up only to the spdif. Everything is fine. When I plug in a 1/4" jack into the analog output at the same time as the spdif, the spdif signal is no longer detected by the computer.

I am trying to go spdif in and mic an amp at the same time, which according to johnson i should be able to do. After dealing with their support, I figured you guys know more than their brain-dead techs do.
if you are trying to record thru the S/PDIF and analog inputs of your card, make sure the card supports that - some dont.....

I do it all the time with my J-Station/Audiophile...which card do you have?.....
Gidge, I've got the Omni-Delta Package so I know that wasn't the problem. I speak in past tense because i did get it working finally. Don't know what I did, but after a few nights of trying to get it to work, it just did. Sometimes electronics are just strange like that.